Thursday, October 30, 2008

I live in Cocksuckerville. Baltimore's roads are crazy. Granted I am not the best navigator in the world, but it's no help when, without warning, the road splits into two or more roads ( I saw three one time). There is always traffic so you can't get over and the next road you take to turn around in, ends up being a oneway followed by many more. There is no such thing as a grid pattern here and you end up god knows where. Long story short, I am not driving anywhere after dark that I don't already know.

I came to this conclusion after trying to meet my sister if Fredrick for dinner. She has been in DC for the past few days at a conference and had nothing to do, so we picked a random spot to meet for dinner. My parents are actually coming to DC this weekend too. They are doing the killing two birds with one stone thing, well actually three; seeing DC, my sister and me.

My sister, Stephanie after a thumbs-up, delicious meal ( a wonderful picture of her)

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